We Are Family

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Mr. Salinas's Web Page (click me)

Mr. Fuller's Biology Info Sheet (click me)

10 Y
Erwin, Fuller, Salinas

First 6 Week Priorities:

HW Center
Parent Communication
Review family transcripts
Parent/Student Transcript Review
Plan an off-site community building activity
Start the conversation about an integrated unit
Update family web page with 10Y news
Create a 10Y newsletter
Implement "10 Wise" Program
Lunch focus group to get student feedback
Word of the Week

Common Policies/Practices:

Student assignment log
Quarterly teacher-student conferences (in-class)
Academic Honesty Policy
Bathroom passes (4 per semester)
Make-up work Policy
Implement Tardy Policy and 10/10 rule
NO hat/radio / pager / cell phone policy
Cutting Policy

10Y Birthdays

Michelle, April, Vourn, Abid

Althea, Kenny D., Susan, Vincent, My, Brittany
